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DonTronics - DT004




The DT004 is a SimmStick Power Supply, DB-25 Parallel Printer Port input, and a 4 slot SimmStick Bus and bus extender done on a double sided, plated through, solder masked, silk screened 1.26mm PCB.

The DT004 is the same size as the DT003 board. These aren't programmer boards, but support boards for SimmStick, at a much reduced rate compared to the DT001 board.

DT004 isn't a programmer. It's ideal as an end User platform for any project that requires a Parallel printer port and a power supply. You could connect it directly to a DT203 (LEDs and Switches), or DT205 (Relay board) without even using a micro, as it will allow you to control the outside world directly from the Printer Port of your PC.

If you want to build up a cheap programmer for Atmel or PICmicros from a Parallel Printer Port, then this makes it very simple. I will bring out SimmSticks that connect directly to the DT004 board. Using a 1" or 2" proto board and a set of right angle 30 pin male/female headers, a simple AVR programmer could be built in minutes.

Projects under immediate consideration are simple programmers for the Atmel 2051 and a combination PIC84/508 programmer.

DT004 saves building up the Printer Port connections every time you want to construct a new project. You can remove it from one project and attach it to another. This is part of the modular versatility of SimmStick.

The DO to D7 printer port signals line up with the SimmStick bus D0 to D7 connections. Strobe (pin 1 of the printer port) has a jumper isolation point at J1, as this is the only signal that doesn't connect to a SimmStick bus data line.

All of the documentation is now posted to this page.

Board Components Required:

1 by DT004 PCB

1 by 7805 +5 Voltage regulator in TO-220 case.
1 by Suitable heat sink for above Regulator.
1 by Diode Bridge D1 WO2 (or WO4 type)
1 by 2.1mm (or 2.5mm) DC Input plug. PCB mount.
Provision is also made for screw terminals at .2" centers.                

1 by Capacitor C1 1000uf Electrolytic @25 Volts. (PCB type mount.) Provision is made to fit larger caps if required. This can be caps with .3",  or .4" centers, for 1000uf, or 2200uf. In most cases, the 1000uf cap is fine.

1 by Capacitor C2 .01uf (or .1uf) Ceramic
1 by Capacitor C3 .01uf (or .1uf) Ceramic
1 by Capacitor C4 10uf Electrolytic (PCB mount.) or Tant. @16 V.
1 by Resistor  R1 330 .25 watt Green LED 1 (+5V)
1 by 5mm Red LED. LED 1 +5V monitor
4 by 12mm square .5" stick on rubber feet. Adds a nice finish.
1 by DB-25 Male right angle PCB mount connector.                


RESET Switch:
A Reset can be added for CPU control.

1 by Resistor     R2 330  .25 watt Reset Button.
1 by Suitable switch.                

This can be the pretty plastic colour ones that have .2" centers, or the mini 4 pin TACT switches that have a .2" by .3" pattern.

J2 is shown as a 30 pin female right angle header. This can be used to extend the SimmStick bus to other boards. It could also mate with

dt03_104.gif (48357 bytes)dt04_202.gif (61535 bytes)

With the above, all you need is a 40 pin machine pin socket soldered to the board and insert the 40 pin Aries into it, so that it can be re-used for any other project, and solder 5 jumper wires from the socket to the male connector pins and you have a Jerry Meng, or Chris Morris AVR programmer. No need to worry about diodes or resistors for power as the DT004 has its own power. A set of rubber feet tops this project off.

dt04acct.gif (19875 bytes)

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